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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Employability Skills

“The objective of this article is to explore the work related skills required in the industry and how to work effectively and efficiently in teams in real work life”

Session Contents

 What is employability?

 Employability skills categories;

 Preferred employability skills and attitudes;

 Role of professional bodies;

 Equal opportunities and Diversity;

 Quality Assurance;

 Team work;

 Communication;

 Time Management.

 Top 10 employability skills;

 Opportunities for electrical Engineers; and


"...the combination of factors, processes & skill sets which enable people to progress towards or get into employment, to stay in employment and to move on in the workplace."

Employment refers to having a job, whilst Employability, or being employable, refers to the qualities needed to maintain employment and progress in the workplace.’


                                                   Developing employability skills

                  Team work   Quality Assurance    Time Management    Communication Skills

                                                                CV Writing

                                                Identifying potential employers

                                                          Application submittal



                                                             Career Progression

Employability Skill Categories

"Employability skills are the attributes of employees, other than technical competence, that make them an
asset to the employer.

• Academic skills;

• Inter-personal skills; and

• Team work skills.

So what are employability skills?

“Ultimately the skills that make you employable”

Preferred Employability Skills and Aptitudes
Top 10 competencies sought by employers

1. Flexibility, adaptability and the capacity to cope with and manage change (88%)

2. Self-motivation and drive (88%)

3. Analytical ability and decision making

4. C(7o5m%m) unication and interpersonal skills

5. (T7e5a%m)working ability and skills (63%)

6. Organisation, planning and prioritisation

7. Cabuislittoiemse (r5 f0o%cu)s and service orientation

8. A(2b5il%ity) to innovate (25%)

9. Mental and physical resilience (25%)

10. Leadership ability (25%)

Top 10 Employability Skills
Communicate in writing
Communicate face to face
Can identify problems
Can think creatively
Can solve problems logically
Respect other peoples views and contributions
Be puntual and manage time
Adaptable - can change direction
Willing to ask questions to avoid mistakes
Have a positive outlook

Interview tip:
Think of two examples from the above skills that can make an employer impressed

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

• Advantages of understanding and working with other cultures, ethnic groups, religions,languages;

•No bias with any particular group, equal opportunities as long as can deliver as expected;

• Current world trends are into diversity of cultures, borderless world, multi-cultural multiskills as planet Earth becomes smaller with more efficient transportation eg air travel, and global communication technology capability ensures communication are within easy each; Very crucial to be adaptable, resourceful, flexible.

Quality Assurance

• Employees are expected to perform work as per described in work scope;

• Quality of work covers having the right attitude and aptitude to perform work, meet deadlines, project
delivery, completing design/assignments, completing projects within time frame and resources allocated;

• Some projects have liquidated damages for delayed completion!!

Team Dynamics and Group Working

 Current trends towards working with multidisciplinary teams, so it is crucial to keep an open mind, open attitude;

• Matrix organisation = reporting to different superiors, to own department head, and project manager if assigned to project and responsible for different work scope and project objective. This is normal!!

Importance of Effective Communication Skills

 Verbal communication

Written communication

“Distinct advantages with having language diversity in career advancement, getting employed, getting promoted”

Time Management

• Do not waste your own time, your employer’s time, client’s time;

• It is a reflection of (or lack of ) respect for other people’s time;

• Quality assurance aspect i.e. time wasted = resources wasted. This can impact on your employer’s operations, profitability, reputation if deadlines are missed due to wastage of time;

• Observing punctuality in meetings = very crucial. Some cultures are very particular about punctuality e.g.
Japanese, Germans;

• some employers interpret poor time management as sign of poor culture, poor work ethics, poor attitude.

Role of Professional Bodies

- BEM Board of Engineers

- IEM Institute of Engineers Malaysia

- IET Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK)

- IEAust Institute of Engineers Australia

- IEEE Institute of Electronic Electrical Engineers (US)

-Professional Engineer (PE)

r-eCchoagrntietrioend bEyn gpieneeresr sa n(CdE inngd)ustry of engineering knowledge, competence, maturity,resourcefulness and creativity.

Typical Example of An Employer’s Requirements

A design & brand consultation agency, looking for AE position

-Good verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills, both in written English & B. Malaysia;

-A team player with good time management;


-Positive attitude & independent personality;

-Able to work independently with minimum supervision;

-Good computer literacy – Words, Excel, Power point; and

- Possess own mode of transportation.

Can you recognize 5 of your skills with the above job ad?

Online Employability Skill Assessment Test:

Real workplace -Facts

 Getting into the right organization is only the beginning!

 One needs to hone the employability skills continuously to stay in job and to progress in career

 The workplace is getting competitive day by day!

 Employability does not end after getting a job!

The Opportunities for Electrical Engineers

 Maintenance engineer;

 Construction & Commissioning engineer;

 Consulting Engineers;


 Design Engineers;

 Engineering college Lecturers;

 Research & Development;

 Inspection Engineers;

 Marketing Engineers;

and last but not the least;

 HR / Administration / Business Managers.

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